Amy and David McKinstry's Ancestors

Horace Boudinot Wilson's Obit

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Horace B. Wilson, for many years one of the most promient and successful farmers and merchants of Farrington Township, who died Saturday, was buried Monday afternoon at Garrison Temple Cemetery in Wayne County.  Mr. Wilson lived a short distance west of the Wayne and Jefferson county line.

He was 81 years old, and had retired from active life, but in his day had farmed extensively and operated a big merchantile business in Farrington township.  Mr. Wilson was a man of great infulence in his township and in his years of active life had no superior as a business man, and community leader and was a leader in everything of benefit to the commjunity of which he comprised a part.

He is survived by his widow and the following children:
Mrs. Chas. Helm, Mt. Vernon; Mrs T.A. Mills, and Mrs. May Gregory and Ben Wilson, Farrington; M.W. Wilson, Moline, Ill, and Amos Wilson, Farrington.