Amy and David McKinstry's Ancestors
June Mills McKinstry
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June Mills
Born 7/5/1914
Died 12/18/1991
More Pictures of June Mills
June McKinstry's Obituary
Tyra Alex Mills
Cora Roxanne Wilson
Tyra Mills' Ancestors
Cora Wilson's Ancestors
To Tyra and Cora were born three children:
1) Reba
Reba married Clair Byars:
Reba's Obituary
Clair's Obituary
Child Vernon Byars
Vernon's Obituary
This picture furnished by Vernon's daughters Brenda and Lisa.
2) Mildred June
(pictured at top of page)
June married Robert McKinstry
Child Wayne McKinstry
(The humble author of this genelogy site).
3) George Marvin
Married Mildred:
Children Duane, Meritt, Carol
George Marvin's Obituary
More Pictures of Tyra and Cora Mills