Baby Shower for Lydia

As Shirley returned from a business trip to Alabama, Wayne met her in
St. Louis and we traveled to Springfield, Missouri, for a baby shower.


Lunch was sandwiches and salad.
The centerpiece was a gift basket. 


Diana led a game of Baby Jeopardy,
assisted by Janice.

They are Amy's sisters-in-law
and hosted the shower.

Time to Eat the Cake

The cake shows Amy in a purple maternity dress
with hearts showering down on her.

Janice cut the cake
before Diana distributed the pieces.

Amy and Keith Open the Presents


Burp cloths made by Shirley (Amy's mom)
and an animal alphabet quilt 
made by Peggy (Keith's mom)

Everyone at the shower except Wayne (Amy's dad, who took the picture)
First row - Brigitte (Amy's friend), Keith, Amy, Amber (Amy's friend)
Second row - Shirley (Amy's mom), Janice (Amy & Keith's sister-in-law), Peggy (Keith's mom),
Diana (Amy & Keith's sister-in-law), Stephanie (Amy's friend), Shaela (Amy's friend & former roommate)

Lydia's crib now has a quilt and a mobile,
all ready for her to be born in September

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